September 01st, 2022
Igor Tartalja
Igor I. Tartalja received his B.Sc., M.Sc., and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering (ETF). From 1984 to 1989 he was with the Laboratory for Computer Engineering, Institute for Nuclear Sciences, Vinča.
In this interval, he worked predominantly on the development of computer hardware and software for real-time applications in biophysics and on a distributed operating system for a special-purpose multi-computer.
In 1989 he joined the ETF. From 2004 to 2006 he was first chief of just launched Software Engineering study program at ETF. He was head of the Computer Engineering and Informatics department at ETF in the interval 2015-2018. Currently, he holds an associate professor position in Computer engineering and informatics. He teaches subjects on Object-oriented programming, Software design, and Computer graphics.
He is co-author of one IEEE CS book and over 70 scientific papers. By SCOPUS source, his work is cited by 85 documents, and h-index=6. He contributed to more than 30 research and development projects. He led a dozen of them, the results of which are commercially applied worldwide. He received two national awards for contributions in the software engineering area.
He was nominated by the Ministry of Health of Serbia, a member of a steering committee for an EU project “Integrated Health Information System – EU-IHIS”, and was nominated by the Ministry of Finance, as a member of a group working on improvements of the fiscal system in Serbia. He led a Belgrade University team working oxan the Erasmus+ project “Information Security Services Education in Serbia – ISSES”.
Currently, he is a member of “Informatics Association of Serbia – IAS” steering committee His current research and development interests include object-oriented software modeling, computer graphics, geo-informatics, edutainment, and automating test assembly and administration.